Jan 27, 2009, 07:49 AM // 07:49
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: Jan 2009
Profession: W/Mo
Why the hell am I playing a Warrior?
So, I got Prophecies. My fiancee got Nightfall and Prophecies. I had been playing a little while beforehand, then she had gotten the games. I'd been using a W/Mo that I'd made and then found it to be utterly boring somewhere along the Ascalon quests, and when she started I rerolled an Elementalist/Forget
So then my fiancee picks up the games and decides to make a dervish while I'm poking around with my warrior on the side whenever she's away. Eventually she decides to can her original M/R character and start fresh with a dervish.
We had no idea everything in Nightfall was handed to you on a silver platter. By the time she did this, I had already been well on my way with a W/Mo, and for a while, it seemed fun.
Then I realized just how much fun she was having with her dervish, and how she could just walk into groups and blink, and everything would die. Without any issue to her energy, recharging, healing... And when I went over to look at the Dervish skill list, it made me want to cry. I mean, what the hell. The only thing going for a warrior is his !@#$ing +20 to armor? A warrior has no energy so to speak of, all of the meaningful skills are Elite, it's a series of BS quests just to Ascend so I can change my class, and even if I do, big !@#$ing deal, I made an apparently retarded choice when I thought I could kill things or at least tank.
When I go into a fight, everything freaking blows me off, and whenever I launch off my attacks, I either have to wait for them to recharge, I run out of energy, or my adrenaline skills take way too damn long to use.
Best of all, it looks like with their Avatars, and the fact that Dervishes have decent armor anyway, there's no !@#$ing point in playing a warrior, period. I thought, wow, you know, as a warrior I could survive things and maybe even as a monk touch off a heal spell or something, but no. My secondary is almost completely useless and I have nothing to really get around all of this energy restriction.
I look on the internet and all I can see are some vague skill ideas and sets for warriors, its as if no one in the entire world knows how to play one or what they're doing with it, you see a thread and someone posts something, and ultimately it just snowsballs into "lol noob" "no u" "y would u use that lol gtfo" and things.
On the one hand I was hoping that a warrior would be worthwhile, but what is the fun, and where is the !@#$ing point in being able to have all of this armor when the mobs just destroy your party and leave you in last? As a failsafe resbot?
I feel like I've wasted way too much time trying to pursue something that is meaningless, while I get to watch my fiancee walk into a group of mobs, blink, and see everything die.
Is there nothing redeeming? And yes, thanks guys, I know I'm a noob, and I know, "LOL WAMMO HAHA" flame me all you want if that's what you do, I'm already extremely jaded so what's a few more jabs to make my day even better? :/
Jan 27, 2009, 08:25 AM // 08:25
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Jun 2008
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Post the build ur using, would help..
My main character is warrior, and everything u said is caused by either ur own lack of skill, og just no knowledge about how to play warrior.
Best advice. Get all the games, and stop QQ..
Jan 27, 2009, 08:25 AM // 08:25
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Jan 2009
Guild: House of Lord Darcia [HoLD]
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warriors are not designed to be heavy energy users hence their low base energy level. You want a build that uses 2-3 low energy skills, about 5-10 energy, and the rest adrenalin skills. It would also help if you got other campaigns as this would broaden your skill base and therefore increase the number of 'fun' skills you have acess to. add me in game if you want more info as i have taken a warrior from pre-searing all the way throught all the campaigns and GWEN. Tom Goes Rt
Jan 27, 2009, 08:35 AM // 08:35
I like yumy food!
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hundred blades, triple chop, cyclone axe, whirlwind attack.
what more do you want?
Jan 27, 2009, 08:42 AM // 08:42
Forge Runner
Join Date: Jun 2006
Guild: Hard Mode Legion [HML]
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Let's get some things straight.
Does your fiancee play with hench only (like you do, since you only have Proph) or does she also use heroes. If the latter is true, she already has some advantage there because those are more customizable.
Second, at what point of the game are we talking? She with a level 20 with all skills compared to you as level 15?
In an area like D'Alessio Seaboard mission where she brings Balth avatar which will enable her to do double damage.
If you ascended, did you get both attribute quests? Those are in the storyline in NF but slightly outside in Proph, meaning you could be 30 points short.
Now to why play a warrior.
Well, I can think of some reasons. When equipped with a decent build it's possible to do a serious amount of damage. Warriors have several ways to cause a knock down, dervishes have none. Even better, you can KD every foe around you. That helps your team if done at the right moment.
Sure, takes some adrenaline to fuel that one, but with For Great Justice you can fuel it faster. Add a skill that increases attack speed for more fast adrenaline.
The strength attribute allows additional armor penetration, not so important early in the game but when progressing foes will get higher armor.
Also find out which foes have additional armor vs elemental and physical damage. Swap weapons.
My advice: look at hammer and axe builds for a while if you are playing sword.
Sure, the most decent skills are elite, but then, that's why they are elite....
Or... just buy yourself a copy of Nightfall and go hit some foes there.
Perhaps it's just that the area where your fiancee plays is one of the easier areas.
I breezed through most of NF with my warrior (not my main character) so it might be that things are a lot easier for you there.
And don't compare the performance of a dervish in prophecies to your own performance.
The foes there were not designed with dervishes in mind, so they blow up fast.
Jan 27, 2009, 09:08 AM // 09:08
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: Jan 2009
Profession: W/Mo
If you want an idea for skills, I tried dividing between a few energy based and a few adrenal attacks. I have a ress skill up and remove conditions. I usually have Power Attack as my staple attack, and anything else is just there as an attempt to try and suck a little less with each experiment. I use Healing Breeze sometimes, usually as a hope of maybe healing myself and attracting mob aggro. I also have a fondness of Frenzy.
I gave up on things like Deadly Riposte because the only time I ever wound up using it was when everyone else in my party was dead.
I use Warrior's Cunning if I know I'm going against high-block mobs, but I'm aggrivated with that one since the cooldown is agonizingly long and there's always groups of such mobs.
I do have Nightfall. After all of my bitching and moaning, my fiancee told me to stfu and got it for me. I have heroes, yes, and the thing they usually wind up doing is being chased around by mobs until they aggro the entire zone. I don't know how they manage to do that even when I park them somewhere safe.
My fiancee destroys things in NF and Prophecies with equal ease, I just wind up sitting on my hands waiting for things to recharge. By that time, everything's dead.
I'm not ascended, and I use swords: A Firey Dragon Sword of Fortitude, and a Firey Sword of ... something.
Last edited by Raging Apes; Jan 27, 2009 at 09:11 AM // 09:11..
Jan 27, 2009, 09:13 AM // 09:13
Academy Page
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: WA
Profession: Mo/E
ok, lets see if i can help you.
1.never ever come on to guru with another one of these rants, people WILL screw with you, call you a noob, and it is pointless because alot of people on guru are douchebags.
2. warriors are DEFINITELY not useless. your just using yours wrong, and don't quite yet get the basics of it, none the less its not hard to learn.
3. warriors are good damage dealers, but they do not have scythes unless suited with a scythe build. a dervish hits 3 targets with a scythe, you hit 1. there are many good builds on pvx wiki, google it if you must and look around, you would be suprised.
4. warriors can take alot of punishment, thats why its a warrior... use that to your advantage....i.e. when pulling, corner lock them, and let the casters work them out. your not the one supposed to kill the whole group, thats what the rest of the party is for. mainly elementalists and necro's are the big hitters, warriors are single foes...
5.keep working on it, adrenaline skills are FANTASTIC, make sure your not using alot of energy skills. the ONLY energy skills should be support for you, examples would be healing hands, healing breeze, anything to help YOU. 5 energy spells are your friends, no big spells. and your elite attacks, are elite for a reason. (deep wound(eviscerate) is FTW, 100 blades is FTW, earthshaker is FTW)
6. and lastly, there are many variants to using a warrior, you can use a scythe, warriors endurance is specifically useful, 3 energy every melee hit, i use a scythe and i deal major damage, just look around, you don't HAVE to use a warriors weapons to deal damage. and for god sake, don't take any smiting on a warrior its terrible.
i hope i gave you some chance at saving your warrior, because they are very fun and useful in groups. make sure not to overgo on pulling, and if you need to take a break from him so be it. but please, take what i have said into consideration, warriors are a very versatile class K/D is favorable, "SAVE YOURSELVES" is a very common and helpful skill among the warrior population. and make sure to try out the other games first, factions has some of the most powerful elites for warrior. good luck, and remember, have fun.
(and the monsters blow you off because of the AoE damage the rest of the group is giving, and monks and other backline-midline are first priority for monsters, programmed that way...gotta get used to it.)
Last edited by kane zarthrox; Jan 27, 2009 at 09:19 AM // 09:19..
Jan 27, 2009, 09:16 AM // 09:16
Dude, the reason you hate Wars is because you suck at playing them. Get a good build (read the War sticky) and blow shit up. Seriously.
Earth Shaker > PvE, and anyone that says otherwise is an idiot.
Jan 27, 2009, 09:18 AM // 09:18
Originally Posted by Raging Apes
I have a ress skill
Originally Posted by Raging Apes
remove conditions
Originally Posted by Raging Apes
try and suck a little less
Originally Posted by Raging Apes
Healing Breeze
Originally Posted by Raging Apes
One of the best skills in the entire game.
Originally Posted by Raging Apes
Warrior's Cunning
I think I see your problem.
Stay Breezy
Jan 27, 2009, 09:20 AM // 09:20
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Aug 2008
Guild: Aura
@Raging Apes
I've been playing Warrior as my main for nearly 3 years now and I can understand your frustration but I also know that Warrior is a fun class to play, basically cos I like going in bashing things around. When I saw what Derv could do, I was pretty impresses and currently have 2 dervs, 1 pve and 1 pvp, but still love the challenge of playing as a warrior.
What you have to understand about a game like gw is that a single class doesn't make the game easy or hard, it's how you combine classes in a party and what skills you bring along.
Ok so you may have miscalculated with the skills for your wammo (w/mo) but it's not a lost cause, just a different style to derv. In certain places i bring along a derv hero with my warr but I'm generally able to kick ass all over the place with him.
I've completed all 3 games and the expansion with my war, and still find it alot of fun. So it's really a matter of preference and capability. Get the right skills, apply the right attributes for your situation, and don't be afraid to ask for help.
Jan 27, 2009, 09:21 AM // 09:21
cool story bro
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Originally Posted by holymasamune
hundred blades, triple chop, cyclone axe, whirlwind attack.
what more do you want?
more elites on one bar
plz divine teach me how
Jan 27, 2009, 09:23 AM // 09:23
Academy Page
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: WA
Profession: Mo/E
Originally Posted by Faer
Good. Bad. Ironic. Trash.One of the best skills in the entire game.
I think I see your problem.
made my point.
see option number 1 above in my original post. its pve for this guy. frenzy will just get him killed faster...considering he still uses warriors cunning and healing breeze. please start off with flail and enraging charge or tiger stance, they are more helpful than frenzy to start off with.
Jan 27, 2009, 09:33 AM // 09:33
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: far far away
Profession: W/
OP, be patient and try to upgrade your Warrior. You will enjoy him as soon as you make him a good build.
Just one advice:
Originally Posted by kane zarthrox
the ONLY energy skills should be support for you, examples would be healing hands, healing breeze, anything to help YOU.
Ignore this part of kane's post.
Jan 27, 2009, 09:40 AM // 09:40
Wilds Pathfinder
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Originally Posted by Auron of Neon
more elites on one bar
plz divine teach me how
signet of capture says hi.
It is massive fun to cap D-slash and Hundred Blades (obviously one and then the other) and using it to vanquish the zone you're in. Srsly, Hundred blades - D-slash - whirlwind - D-slash... ect. Shit blows up like no tomorrow.
Jan 27, 2009, 10:24 AM // 10:24
Forge Runner
Join Date: Jun 2006
Guild: Hard Mode Legion [HML]
Profession: N/
Ok, here we go.
Originally Posted by Raging Apes
If you want an idea for skills, I tried dividing between a few energy based and a few adrenal attacks.
I only use energy skills that enable me to gain more adrenaline or that give me a sure advantage. Power Attack is one of those, but I don't spam it on reload.
Originally Posted by Raging Apes
I have a ress skill up and remove conditions.
Res is good, though it depends which one you use. I mainly use res sig on my bar.
Condition removing should not be done by warriors. You have monks for that. If those don't have a condition remover, bring one if there is blind or weakness in the area. Maybe cripple. The rest of the conditions are annoying but won't hinder you too much. No need to put any attribute points in this if you bring it yourself, as long as it removes it's good enough.
Originally Posted by Raging Apes
Power Attack
Fair skill, but don't spam. I mainly use it to finish stuff or to take a chunk of health from my target when my Adrenaline skills ain't full.
Originally Posted by Raging Apes
Healing Breeze
That's 10 energy... Put those attribute points in strength or tactics.
Originally Posted by Raging Apes
I also have a fondness of Frenzy.
Frenzy can backfire on you when you can't cancel it. You take double damage when it's active. Doesn't have to be bad, just use with care.
A good NF alternative is Flail, though the (hero)skill trainer is far in NF (cap in the area around command post I think). I used a hero skillpoint for it, if you intend to buy it you might as well cap it.
Originally Posted by Raging Apes
Deadly Riposte
Works, but only against melee attacks.
Originally Posted by Raging Apes
Warrior's Cunning
Sounds good, but is a little conditional.
Use it when you know foes will bring enchantments that causes blocks (like aegis or guardian) and only to kill priority targets. If they are stanced which is far more common (rangers for example) bring wild blow.
Remember this will cause loss of adrenaline.
Originally Posted by Raging Apes
I have heroes, yes, and the thing they usually wind up doing is being chased around by mobs until they aggro the entire zone. I don't know how they manage to do that even when I park them somewhere safe.
Heroes have 3 modes. Fight, Guard, Avoid. In Fight they will attack everything in sight if told to do.
In Guard they will keep approx at their position.
In Avoid they will flee when attacked.
With aggro control the problem is most likely Fight or Avoid.
If it's Avoid you might want to look for a better place to stand, so they don't run into the next group. If it's Fight, well... I never use it ![Smile](../../Img/smile.gif)
Originally Posted by Raging Apes
A Firey Dragon Sword of Fortitude, and a Firey Sword of ... something.
Both elemental weapons. You might want to get a non-elemental weapon besides this one.
One more advice. Ascent and you can change your secondary profession.
If you go W/E you can use Conjure Flame on those Fiery weapons.
With 10 Fire Magic this will raise your damage with 15 fire damage.
With 9 Fire it's 14. 14 or 15 additional damage with each swing isn't that bad.
After ascention go cap some elite skills at Ring of Fire.
For example, in the final mission you can cap both Eviscerate (Axe) and Hundred Blades (Sword), two of the more powerfull elites available.
And for beating the ascention mission.... That's not so hard. Your opponent will use your skillbar. Just make sure he hurts himself when using that bar and doesn't gain too much advantage of it.
The Attribute quests are in the desert (Destiny's Gorge, start with The Forgotten Ones) and in Droknar's Forge (start with The Hero's Journey).
Hope this helps you somewhat further with regaining fun at playing Warrior.
Jan 27, 2009, 10:46 AM // 10:46
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Denmark
Guild: Jade Reapers [JD]
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Try something like this once u can get the skills.
[Hundred blades][Whirlwind attack][flail][enraging charge][save yourselves][body blow] [sun and moon slash][for great justice]
12+1+1 sword.
12+1 str.
Vampiric sword.
Wiki is your friend. search for warrior skills and be creative![Smile](../../Img/smile.gif)
If u dont have a brain u can always use Pvxwiki.com^^
Jan 27, 2009, 10:47 AM // 10:47
~ Retired ~
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I haven't played my war for ages so I'm going to leave that to the others.
I am going to recommend you get Factions and GW:EN. This will give you a wast array of skill to choose from.
Heroes tend to aggro out of control when you set them to 'fight' and they tend to kite exclusively (when attacked) if set to 'avoid'.
I have a lot of experience using heroes both in normal and hard mode and I have mine set to guard always.
Jan 27, 2009, 10:58 AM // 10:58
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: Jan 2009
Profession: W/Mo
Hey everyone, thank you for your replies. I tried out some of your suggestions and they seem to be making a difference. I scrapped most of my Energy skills and tried out the Adrenaline business. At first I was scared to try because I didn't want to spend an eternity trying to climb my way up in adrenaline to beable to execute one attack, but then I realize there's some decent skills that don't require huge amounts of adrenaline.
This is what my bar looks like:
[Barbarous Slice] - Seems like a decent adrenaline alternative to Power Attack, and it has Bleed.
[Berserker Stance] - So I can gain adrenaline and hit stuff too.
[Whirlwind Attack] - So I can hit multiple mobs at once.
[Galrath Slash] - +35 damage. That's pretty cool I think.
[Bull's Strike] - Because everything ignores me anyway.
[Sprint] - Because ... I'm supposed to have it. I know there's uses for it, I just have to figure out a little bit more as to what.
[Lion's Comfort] - Heals, and adrenaline strikes too. Seems pretty good to me.
[Resurrect] - Because I'm the last guy standing.
(Thanks to Mathias for telling me how to post skills here)
I know it's not the best setup. I'm sure I could replace a few things, maybe put in energy stuff. Maybe even Gash to accompany Barberous Slash?
Last edited by Raging Apes; Jan 27, 2009 at 11:14 AM // 11:14..
Jan 27, 2009, 11:04 AM // 11:04
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Denmark
Guild: Jade Reapers [JD]
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Gash would be a good idea. Deepwound is win^^
off toppic. when u post skills u can pu [ ] around them to show the skill.
anyways, ur bar is improved a lot^^
Jan 27, 2009, 11:21 AM // 11:21
Nice improvements.
Originally Posted by Raging Apes
Barberous Slice - Seems like a decent adrenaline alternative to Power Attack, and it has Bleed.
It's mediocre. Generally speaking, you will want to be in a stance at all times. If you aren't in a stance (specifically, an Increased Attack Speed stance (known as an "IAS" to most players)), you aren't maxing your potential damage output. So, essentially, to get the Bleeding from Barbarous Slice, you must be gimping your damage output.
Originally Posted by Raging Apes
Berserker Stance - So I can gain adrenaline and hit stuff too.
The majority of Warrior damage comes from the bonus damage of attack skills. Berserker Stance ends if you use any of those skills, so again, while it seems good, it's actually further gimping your damage. Flail and Frenzy are far superior options.
Originally Posted by Raging Apes
Whirlwind Attack - So I can hit multiple mobs at once.
Good stuff.
Originally Posted by Raging Apes
Galrath Slash - +35 damage. That's pretty cool I think.
More good stuff.
Originally Posted by Raging Apes
Bull's Strike - Because everything ignores me anyway.
Mostly useful in PvP, but fun to use and still effective in PvE, albeit less so. A good skill nonetheless.
Originally Posted by Raging Apes
Sprint - Because ... I'm supposed to have it. I know there's uses for it, I just have to figure out a little bit more as to why.
One would generally want Sprint to cancel out another stance, such as Flail or Frenzy. If you were, for example, to bring Frenzy, and suddenly find mobs not ignoring you but rather beating your face in, you would activate Sprint to cancel Frenzy, causing you to take normal amounts of damage instead of the double damage Frenzy causes you to take while it is active. Learning to cancel stances effectively and efficiently is key to playing the Warrior profession well.
Originally Posted by Raging Apes
Lion's Comfort - Heals, and adrenaline strikes too. Seems pretty good to me.
Eh. 's'ok. Shouldn't generally be needed, but sometimes henchman Monks sleep on the job, so it's handy to have a self-healing skill on your bar (Healing Signet is also a good choice for a self-heal and, in some cases, better than Lion's Comfort).
Originally Posted by Raging Apes
Ressurect - Because I'm the last guy standing.
Signet of Resurrection, Rebirth, Resurrection Chant, and Sunspear Rebirth Signet are the optimal resurrection choices for Warrior/Monks in PvE (outside of those, there is Death Pact Signet, which is awesome so long as people don't die lots).
Stay Breezy
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